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Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial day parade

We had a great Monday off. The Memorial day parade and a kayak on the sound.

Spot the South African rugby jersey

Victoria in the parade. Check out the outfit. She looks like a homie. Yo Yo

Love this house. Its always so beautiful

Swim afterwards in the very cold pools

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Weekend

This morning at church the sermon was all about the special people who are no longer with us. Once again I was bought to tears remembering all the special people who have played a huge role in our lives. There does not seem to be a week going by where the tears are not falling. They good tears.

The whole congregation had to go to the memorial garden and place a ribbon and name the person who we were thinking of. Kara mentioned King Kay my moms dog.

I love you granny. You were always so special to me.

I love this picture of Kara and poppa. Not clear but very touching to me.

Betty you were amazing. Always up for anything and always laughing. Whenever the car started Betty was there ready for an outing. Leon and I miss you lots.

We have been in Westport for 18 months and never loaded the car and spent an entire day at the beach. We are ticking off boxes. We had an amazing family day. The water is too cold for me but happy to watch the people.
The cool box full of ice and a cold bottle of white
 I want to enlarge two pictures of the kids. So took loads to try get a good one.

Crab catching

We came home and the neighbours who are weird anyway dismissed me. Funny bunch. They quickly packed up their garden tools and went inside. Must have been me with my washing on display. A very unusual thing to do in Westport. We have the whole back garden to ourselves, so we happy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kayak and Westport street party

I went out on the kayak with Bonnie. Bonnie's mom owns a flat on the beach and Bonnie was so kind to invite me out for a play. The weather was horrible but been out on the water it was great. Good upper body workout.

The Long Island sound

Bonnie, always up for a laugh

Chuffed as Larry

Westport town closed Main street for an art street party. It was good fun. The kids ran around like mad things, which always makes me happy.

Victoria wanted to go to school with her pirate face on. It still amazes me she has the confidence to do it and not care what the other people say. She did have to wash it off as she looked rather black this morning.